Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Tribute to Wanda Santiago

I am truly blessed and very honored to have a sister-in-law like Wanda Santiago. I just read her latest blog and I think she is, without a doubt, one of the most selfless and beautiful people that I could possibly have in my life. I've only met her face-to-face once, and we may not be able to see each other for a long time, but the impression that she has made on me is nothing short of life chaning.
We all have troubles, we all have struggles, and God knows we've all had drama in our lives; but she puts hers out there in a way that I never could with my own. If I take anything from her writings, it is that I feel like I have become a more thankful person.
I am thankful for:
My life
My family
My children
My grandchildren
My husband
My friends
My home
My health
My dog
My job
and everything that is good in my life.
Thanks to Wanda, I am also thankful for the tears that I cry when I'm in pain, because it makes when I feel better so much greater. I'm thankful for my debts and my bills, because once I pay them, it makes me feel so accomplished. I'm thankful for the arguments that I have with my husband, because making up with him is twice as good. I'm thankful to know that even though my children may be going through some stuff of their own, that they trust me enough to come to me.
A long time ago, I watched the movie "It's a Wonderful Life." It really changed the way I feel about certain things. It made me look at something- good or bad- in a different light. You can find something and look at it one way and it could make you feel absolutely miserable. Or, you can look at it differently and appreciate your life even more.
Wanda Santiago, you are my wonderful life.
I just think of you and the appreciation I have for a woman of your strength is never-ending.
I hope that whatever pain and let-downs that you're feeling right now come to an end.
But until they do, please know that I am with you in spirit and that you have all my love every single day.